Black And White Bridesmaid Dresses

Black and White Bridesmaid Dresses: Consider Your Options

Even though there are many colors in the rainbow, and each color has many different shades, the dilemma that arises for the couple about to be married is which color to use in their wedding theme. The colors they choose should be important to them, and reflect the personal taste of both the bride and groom.

Black has always been a color associated with a period of mourning and sadness. There was a time when black, white, or gray was the only acceptable colors at a funeral, and the only unacceptable colors at a wedding. It was considered socially taboo to wear these colors at any wedding.

However, with recent trends in weddings, people’s feelings toward the wearing the colors black and white at a wedding are changing. Many couples are choosing to dress their wedding attire in black, white, or both. Choosing the right wedding colors is an important decision to make. It is suggest that the couple consider buying black and white bridesmaid dresses for their wedding party.

Even though black has been considered a color of mourning in the past, it has lately established itself as a formal color of elegance and sophistication. But in choosing a black and white theme for your wedding it is important that you consider what time of day the wedding will be held at and in what setting the wedding will take place.

A bridesmaid dressed in black and white will look better in a late afternoon or evening wedding, as opposed to a morning wedding. An evening wedding with candlelight would be the most ideal setting for black and white bridesmaid dresses.

There are many different styles of black and white dresses to choose from. For example, a popular style seems to be a dress with a black top and a silky white chiffon bottom. Another popular style is having the body of the dress black with white puffed Cinderella-style sleeves. Black and white floral or English toile fabric is gaining in popularity as well.

The dresses can be either strapless, have spaghetti straps or be a 2-piece. Many online stores will have different styles of dresses and many combinations of 2-piece dresses. So before you discard regard the color black, imagine all the choices available to you in black and white bridesmaid dresses.

About the Author

Lashan Clarke has been has been a freelance writer for a number of years. She specializes in copywriting and is currently working on her Masters degree in her spare time.  She is a new contributor to .

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